Wednesday 19 February 2014

Should we grow up?

After two posts on recipes, today I wanted to write on some serious topic.. Should we grow up?
I have heard people saying "Grow Up" ..What is growing up?
According to me growing up means, to act sensibly wherever required,mature enough to take certain decisions or give our thought on some serious matters.
But should this so called "Grown Up" devoid us from small pleasures of life?

The world divides behavior in two categories :
1- Grown Up
2- Childish

Why can't there be an intermediate behavior? Why cant a Grown Up person acts childish sometimes if it is harmless to others but pleasure for him?

 What would you say  about a person who is sensible enough to take decision, give an opinion but start jumping out of  excitement on seeing something though his jumping is harmless to others?
Is he a Grown Up or Childish person?
He is a person who is grown up yet some part of his heart is still childish and want to enjoy life.
We, today are scared of our society and modify ourselves as per the society requirement.
What a third person will think of me if I do this or that? Will he think I am childish?
Being childish has been looked upon as a curse that will cut you out from the rest of the world.
What does a third person has to do with the things you do if it is not of his concern, he might see and forget.
But for that why do we have run away from our happiness?

For me everyone has a child inside him which sometimes want to come out. So let that happen, it is OK to behave childish sometimes unless it is a problem for others.

Live Life Love Life :)

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