Friday 22 August 2014


Vada-Paav,Samosa-Paav,Bhaji-Paav, Usal-Paav and so goes the list. Being a Mumbaikar, I have grown up eating all the mentioned delicacies.
Paav-Yes, a common food for a common man.Eating a single pav with a cutting chai would power a man for half a days work.It is so abundantly available in Mumbai that I never bothered to think if I dont find paav some day.
Now, that I am in the USA, I was forced to think the absence of paav. The other day, I thought of making paav-bhaaji and went to the local grocery store to find bread roll very much similar to Indian Paav. I was so happy thinking I dont have to worry of not getting the Paav at Indian store. But,I was struck with disappointment on my first bite...the bread roll was sweetish in taste.We had to eat a spicy Paav-bhaji with a sweet paav :(
At that very moment I decided, the next time I want to make any delicacy which needs paav, I would bake paav at home. And here it comes my recipe for homemade paav.

All Purpose Flour(Maida) - 2 cups
Warm Milk - 1/2 cup
Salt - 1/2 tspn
Sugar - 1 tspn
Dry Active Yeast - 1 heaped tspn
Oil -  2 tblspn

1. Mix all the above ingredients together to make a soft dough.
2. Add a bit of water if the dough turns to be too dry.
3. The dough should be mixed thoroughly so that the granules of sugar and yeast get mixed properly.
4. The consistency of the dough would be a bit sticky.
5. Cover the dough with a cloth and let it rest for 2 hours in a warm place.
6. Pre-heat the oven at 400F.
7. After 2 hours, you will find that the dough has doubled the size.
8. Punch the dough thoroughly to remove the air.
9. Make balls of the desired size and place them in a row leaving some space between them on a greased baking tray.
10. Cover again with a cloth and let it rest for 1/2 hour.
11. After 1/2 hour, you would find that the paav-balls have rose in size and stuck to each other.
12. Place the baking tray in the oven and bake the bread for 10 min on 400F.
13. Remove the baked bread and brush butter on the still hot paav for the glaze.
14. Let the paav cool down a bit and then are ready to eat with any delicacy or as is.

I love the smell of freshly baked paav and we hardly can wait for preparing any delicacy to accompany paav ;)